Come meet your local community paranormal investigators at Old A's park and enjoy BBQing on the beach in Kona. Perfect setting, good grinds, all ages are welcome. Meeting in time for an 11:11 AM celebration! Lunch soon after....Mmmmmm! This event is open to the entire community. Come meet the faces behind KRG and learn about our current research and adventure into Hawaii's paranormal and spiritual side. KRG will also be celebrating their new publishing department that has so far produced the Hawaii Vortex Field Guide , Pyramid Rising and the new limited edition Kona Haunted Hele Guidebook. Free gifts will be passed out and books will be available that have free tickets inside for the Kona Haunted Hele guided ghost tour. Come and talk story with KRG and learn how we are all connected and part of the bigger picture. Special guests and local authors will be in attendance. Bring a dish, bring a friend, bring a story or two. That's what it's all about! Please RSVP so we have an idea of how many books to bring. Free pocket crystal for everyone who attends, as part of the 11:11 AM celebration. Learn more on our Facebook page. Mahalo and Aloha ~ KRG
A synchronicity for someone on the spiritual path is that moment in the fabric of time when we suddenly and briefly become consciously aware that we have made a deeper connection with the universe or that which is greater than our individual self. Those not yet familiar with the concept of synchronicity would most likely pass off these moments as mere coincidence. The theory was first presented by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. He proposed the idea that when multiple, meaningful occurrences happen, it is not coincidence but a type of psychological and spiritual experience intended to guide your soul force into motion. A synchronicity is designed to give us a push in a general direction. In what direction may not be initially revealed but with a trusting connection to our intuition the path can sometimes be obvious but it is up to us as individuals to make the decision to follow. Synchronicities are responsible for bringing people and events into our lives seemingly at just the right time. This is why they are considered by many to be nothing more than coincidence, however there is no such thing as coincidence if you believe in synchronicity. Although synchronicity has never been scientifically proven it certainly doesn’t mean it does not exist. Intuition cannot be scientifically proven, neither can many spiritual concepts but most if not all people have at some stage in their lives seen how their intuition has guided them in some way. They may not know how it could have possibly happened but known for sure that something unexplained scientifically most definitely took place. Synchronicity is like gravity in a way, you can’t see it but it is definitely there and the more you open yourself to becoming aware of synchronicities as they appear in your life, the more of them you will notice. |
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